· Summarize and synthesize the conversation related to your question (approximately equivalent to 600–900 words)
The development of our understanding and knowledge of family and literacy sponsorship began with simply a question. How family affected your literacy sponsorship and in what ways? The word family is small at first glance only containing 6 words and 2 syllables. However, take a second look at the word not from its exterior but from its interior. The interior shows you the millions of meanings and stories that come from the word which is probably enough to fill to the Holy Bible. This word sprung out to my group and me when discussing and evaluating literacy sponsorship because family was the one big thing that all my group members and myself had in common. The synthesis began right after the word was mentioned and ideas just flowed. Family was an easy choice for many reasons like the science behind every member of a family being related and identical genetically. Also in relation to genetics how having or being part of family is unavoidable. You have a family and develop based on the relationship with it whether you like it or not. The most important reason for choosing family was because it enables your literacy sponsorship culturally.
Culture is…who we are and what we stand for. Culture is your values in life or what is most important to you and why? Culture is your morals or how you see right and wrong. Culture is your politics or views regarding government. Culture is your patriotism or feeling towards your country. Culture is your education and learning experience. Culture is your traditions (holidays, religion, celebrations, rules of living etc.) or way of life. Culture is your hobbies and interest (television, books, games, sports etc.). This is all due to the literacy sponsorship of family and how it enables us. Family enables us through all these elements because it is how we develop and grow into life. These elements are what makes and family and when you are part of one or join one it is because you have the same ideas in common. This sponsorship creates and forms the way we go about life and everyday aspects. Family teaches us these ideas and opinions through their actions as well as their direct teachings. They are the ones that teach you how to play soccer or football. They are the ones that teach you the rules of the game, the rules of sportsmanship or their view of it. They show you how they see things and what it matters to them and this directly influence your opinion and thought process from a young age. Thus you find and hold on to these commonalities between the two of you and use it in your growth and knowledge. Speaking of growth and knowledge this is one of the biggest impacts the sponsorship of family has on you because you are born with no knowledge but your automatic body functions. Family members usually parents are the ones you help you learn everyday things we take for granted. They develop you physically with how often they feed you or with what? They are the reason you can walk and they are the reason you can talk. Family teaches you not simply how to talk but how to communicate; you learn verbally and non-verbally through observation and instruction. Observation is key when you are younger as you see and notice the meaning behind non-verbal communication. This allows you to begin to develop your relationship because you learn how to interact or communicate wants and needs. Also as you grow you no longer rely solely on observation but you begin to learn through instruction as well. Through instruction you are taught ways of living as well as concepts of living. This means you are taught important things to everyday life such as walk and talking. Also you are taught concepts of life which is many of your cultural thoughts like your morals, values, interest and the list goes on. Families have an invested interested of time, money and love all for you and your growth. They are the first sponsorship that enables you to think and feel about everything that goes into life. The sponsorship of family has a direct correlation with who you are in every aspect of life. Life is filled with thoughts, opinions, ideas, views you name it. Family is the reason we are a participant in this entire conversation of life. They are the influence that allows us to develop a voice and be more than just an object. Family enables us to grow and expand into ourselves. We form ourselves through our family and the impact they have on us. The sponsorship we receive is the most influential and impactful for our expansion in evolution in life. We learn and integrate ourselves through family and its sponsorship of understanding and participating on all levels as we cultivate in life.
· Briefly synthesize and explain the results of your data (the key here is to point out what patterns or themes you found and present selections that show those patterns; presenting your entire literacy narratives should be reserved for a supplemental section at the end of the project). (About 600–900 words equivalently)
Through our research and data collection we have developed a strong understanding of family and its literacy sponsorship on you. There were many methods to successfully understanding family and the impact it has on you. We used a survey system to see how impactful your family was on who you are. This survey asked students to rate the sponsorship received in your cultural development and growth through every aspect we saw as important and common to everyday life. We found many students were impacted highly by their family in their cultural development. Students were showing almost exact patterns in the in the growth and development of physical functioning and communication. Almost all the students admitted to learning to walk, swim, grab/hold, listen, talk, read and write due to their families. Also on the survey we found little students marking other; meaning that they learned these from some other source. The survey also showed that almost all students learned how to communicate verbally and non-verbally through their families’ sponsorship. Students showed that they learned the means of communication through observation and interaction with their family. Family was and is the reason they can talk, listen, write and understand communication in all forms. These results showed us that families are the most impactful sponsorship in our physical growth and development as well as our ability to communicate verbally and non-verbally. They are the main reason to why and how we do these activities and functions. Also through our research we found that families and especially parents are extremely important to the development of us as people from the day we are born. They affect us with how they interact and communicate to each other. The research showed when we are young we rely heavily on our interaction with and our observations of our family. The observations or ways of functioning and communicating that we see and learn become the norm to us. When we are young this is all we know and see so it becomes who we are. For instance the ways and which our family gets what they want or expresses themselves teaches us that’s how were supposed to do it. This influences us to interact and perform in the same manner as our family does. Also along with this is how we interact with our family is important. The research showed that when you are neglected and/or treated badly you develop qualities in relation like shyness, anger, depression, controlling, anxiety and much more. Families that don’t give a child what they need and don’t participate with the adolescent falter the growth of a child and its ability to interact and communicate with others correctly. The research showed that children that were treated correctly and given attention were better able to grow and develop properly. Not only this but they actually learned and did all this much faster than those children that were given the opposite. Also research showed us that we are sponsored by family in all aspects of life due to genetics. Parent’s genetics combine and synchronize to form and mold the exact person you are. These genetics are all due to your family coming from the first generation all the way to your parents and now to you. Genetics are the reason you look the way you do, the reason you’re really tall or really short. These genetics are important because the sponsor you physically with looks, abilities and health. Also because it impacts you in how you act and think. Research shows that you derive qualities from your parents and these qualities stick with your personality. You can’t prevent this or your physical appearance, health and/or abilities. The way in which you look is due to the combination and interaction between your mother and fathers genes. The dominant and recessive genes impact each other and development your genes. These genes that you then in turn receive are what decides how you look, how athletic you are or whether you will get heart disease or not. Although this is true there are also other things like smoking for instance that can affect these results. This is of little importance compared to the sponsorship one receives from their family in their development in life. Through our research and survey of the student body we have learned that family is the major literacy sponsorship in your cultural development and growth. They are how we grow in physical function and communication. They are the reason we act and think the way we do. They are the influence genetically and interactively that makes us into the cultural force that we. This research has back up our hypothesis on family and its impact on us in our literacy sponsorship. Family is the literacy sponsor that is most important in our growth and development culturally in our everyday lives.
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