Friday, October 26, 2012

Discourse Communities Proposal

Discourse Communities Proposal
I would like to observe the discourse community of modern warfare players on Xbox Live. I want to explore the world of communication and interaction between players, groups and teams. I would love to learn more about the field as their are tournaments, try outs online and simple social play.. Also because there is so much that goes into playing the game such as icons, clan tags, code words and so forth. Also there are many diffrent players those that play just to talk to their friends, some that play for fun, others that play competitively and even some that solely focus on finding and developing gliches in the game. Another reason is to explore the language and all the terms and ways of speaking they all know as it is a large vocabulary. Through exploring the modern warfare discourse community I hope to learn about their means of communicating and language. I also wish to learn about their interaction and how they chose to perform and why. Lastly i want to understand what it is about this community that makes people spends hours upon hours involved in it. This exploration can be very fulfilling as it is a big aspect in or world and has so many members involved in it.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds good. My only concern is that it might be tough having to encompass all aspects of the music industry. But too much information isn't always a bad thing. Start researching!
