Monday, October 29, 2012

Harriet Malinowitz Response

Queer Texts, Queer Context by Harriet Malinowitz
Summary:  In her article Queer Texts, Queer Context Harriet Malinowitz attempts to argue on queer theory and gay, lesbian, and bisexual students in the writing classroom. She argues that we go through classes; schools even organizations. Also that we attempt to explore multiculturalism but often fail to regard homosexuals, as everything is almost automatically heterosexually based. She argues this a result commonly because of homophobia or discomfort on the part of the teacher and/or students in writing classes. She also discusses how it is hard to look at things this way or for students that are homosexual to advance because of the prejudice they receive from multiple sources like friends, family, teachers, peers and society in general. Malinowitz’s uses her two writing classes specifically themed around gay and lesbian discourse to help talk about and drive her points. She states in the beginning that her main point was “on the processes by which lesbian or gay writers generate and authorize knowledge, and the conditions which affect their composing processes in collaborative classrooms.” Then later she explains how this view changed as she noticed that you can’t actually generalize in this manner. Harriet argues that people all have different ideas or images in their minds of homosexuality and this leads to her deciding that this is actually more the feeling of otherness. She discusses the composition from the viewpoint of the lesbian and gay community and how it is different. She talks about ways in which they perceive writing and how they have to perform differently based on the image they have or don’t want to have. Harriet’s main discussion is around the writing in queer centric environments, how compositions might better serve lesbians and gays and the problems they have dealing with it. Also that including lesbian and gay thinking rather than all heterosexual thinking can benefit the classroom and students in and out of composition.

Synthesis: This article is one in that of its own and I believe is very hard to relate to any other story at all. I think if it could relate to any article at all it would be Brandht. I think that it is this way because they both talk about the effects of your surroundings. They discuss how they affect who you are and the way in which you think. In Brandht’s article the focus is on discourse and writing but it still relates greatly in my opinion in the hidden eliminates involved in Harriet’s article. This is because Harriet’s discussion al revolves around our surroundings and how we perceive things. Another point is that we also think and act in ways based on our teachings and how we gain and receive information.
Questions for Journaling and Discussion:
2. This presence of lesbian and gay discourses in composition classroom are just as important as heterosexual presence because it allows for more exploration and understanding. When a discourse is solely heterosexual it shrinks the compositions abilities and areas of reach because it doesn’t have information or a viewpoint that of a homosexual. Homosexual presence can allow for broader range of thinking for the composers. This also enables composers to know and be aware of the differences between hetro- and homosexuals. Also it gives better understanding of information and thinking all around as to prevent prejudice and create better work.
5. Truth deconstructed the category of “woman” which was saw as weak, needy, annoying, whinny, lazy and little princess. Truth was an African American woman who had been a slave and made it clear that woman in fact can be just as strong, enduring, inspiring, hardworking, honest and smart as men through her life experiences. Truth lost her kids and had to be a slave going through extremely harsh labor every day. This also came with mal nutriment and terrible sleep/sleeping arrangements. Not only that but facing the crack of a whip on her back and so forth. Truth should that she has experienced and endured all this; she proved that women can be just as strong and willing as men.
11. Revisit your pre-reading definition of the term “queer.” How has your definition changed as a result? I think after this reading I see the word queer as less offensive and more defiant. This word seems to play more of a definition or classification in this article. The term queer in this article seems to describe the way of thinking through a homosexual viewpoint. Queer is a different genre in the giant discourse community of sexual preference. This side is another force in which we can think and compose our works and opinions.
Applying and Exploring:
2. When I think about a discourse community I am involved in a few come to mind one of which is Xbox live. This is an online gaming feature where you can play with or against people all over the world. This community has its own language which includes thousands of words and phrases for live alone but also that specifically function with certain games. I received this language through playing for a long time and acquiring what the phrase and words meant, but also through communication and interaction with friends in and out of the community. I think that it would change myself or way of identification because it is a source of vocabulary. These are just different words and phrases then commonly used in the real world. This wouldn’t change or alter my ability to express myself it would just change how for say.
Meta Moment: I think that my instructor would think that the most important part of the article was expanding your thinking and opening your mind. This is because it has everything to do with what we are learning right now and it also goes with our current project. Not only this but it also helps keep us away from ignorant thinking and allows us to broaden our horizon and key in other elements when composing. This concept of queer text can enable you to produce a lot more while giving a possibly completely new perspective. Also I do think that society constructs what it is to be a man or a woman but it is more so unconsciously. The way we describe and see a man is affected by family values and thinking because it is what your taught to think and see it as. Also it is affected by everything in our culture like TV and magazines because of the way the portray men and women and what they think they are supposed to be like.

Opinion on Article: I thought that this article was very dry and hard to read for the 20 or so pages it was. I felt that the author repeated a lot of her information and could have gotten her points across much faster than she actually did. I think that the overall point was more directed at how we look at these communities and how we look at them. I think that it was repetitive how she remained on gays and lesbians the entire time and seemed to tell irrelevant stories and examples but none the less the article did offer a new perspective when looking at the homosexual community and how it has effects and is affected in our system politically, socially, educationally an so forth.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Devitt, Barwarshi, and Reiff Response

Materiality and Genre in the Study of Discourse Communities by Devitt, Barwarshi, and Reiff

Summary: This article Materiality and Genre in the Study of Discourse Communities by Devitt, Barwarshi, and Reiff focuses on the discussion and use of Genre and materiality in and around discourse communities. Devitt argues that understanding and participating in genre is very important to understanding how the material texts contribute to the idea of a discourse community. In the article, Amy Devitt examines legal genres dealing with lawyers and jurors and Anis Bawarshi looks at a medical form in the discussion of doctors and patients. Devitt talks about the difference of language in the court room and how the jurors see words and readings differently than the lawyers do. She talks about the difference in understanding and ideals between members and nonmembers of a certain genre or discourse community. She explains how it is important to know what genre you are assigned to. She argues that you need to know your purpose and agenda because these separate communities can be prevented from interweaving and revolving around each other. Devitt argues for the importance of knowing and being a part of your genre and the implications that come with it. Then it transfers to Bawarshi who talks about the relationship between patients and doctors through paper work and forms such as the PMHF. Bawarshi argues on the exchange between language and social interaction. That you have to become aware of the differences and importance of language in genres and the concepts they deal with. Bowarshi talks about how doctors use these forms to medicate and treat patients but it is solely off this information it could have everything about your physical health but nothing on your mental health. While these two were sharing their own ethnographic research, Mary Jo Reiff finished the article by discussing ethnography or the theory of observation and interaction as a in which we can learn about a certain community of interest. Reiff argues the importance of observing but also participating in a community of interest. This is because through observation you can see and learn their guidelines and some set values but it is through interaction that we discover deeper insight and understanding of the community and all that goes into it. She argues this allows people and students as she specifically discusses to learn the written and unwritten language and context of the community as well as the immersion and relevant context in discussion. This article is overall not necessarily about discourse communities but genres instead for not all genres we are in lie within the same community. This is about the importance of knowing, observing and interacting with the genre you wish to understand or join.
Synthesis: This article correlates to the article written by Gee when he discusses the importance of secondary discourses and what is needed to be knowledgeable of them and r a part of them. Gee argues for the importance of knowing and comprehending the literacy of the group and their specific language. Gee also talks about how you must go forth in apprenticeship in this community in order rot fully understand their literacy in all aspects including values, beliefs, language and so forth. This is just like the article here by Devit, Bawarshi, and Reiff in that they all talk about genre and how you go about knowing and participating in them whether ones you need to know or want to be a part of. They use examples like the ballot or doctors and patients to explain how important It is to know language and to be able to interact and understand these interactions you make. This is just as Gee describes but slightly different and in regards to different topics because this is focused on genre and the discourses surrounding it while Gee talks about your secondary discourses which are communities you choose to join or become a part of.
Questions for Journaling and Discussion:
2. I have to deal with and scrimmage with writing everyday just as described in switching genres. For instance taking this English course while taking I-Art at in the same semester leads to issues and discouragement at times. When writing for this English class I have to learn to write properly and use correct grammar and so forth. Also most of my writing involves reading and research and this differs from I-Art incredibly. In my I-Art class all the writing that is done is based off of opinion and your thoughts and feelings. This class just calls for deep thinking, involvement and discussion so there is no need in proper writing or structure while you must do this with English.
3. Here at Ohio University we have many genre sets or areas so intellectual discussion within a certain discourse community. There is all the halls that have classes for specific majors and there is also the gym for athletes and people who work out a lot. Also the library for clubs, organizations, and students to do homework. There are millions of places even bars and house off campus are place or genre sets for discourses to meet or communicate. I believe that I myself am part of the musician discourse as I go to brick city records meetings and I help with the organization. I am also one who works out a lot and consider myself part of that as wells as someone who is a member of the social discourse community if you will.
Applying and Exploring Ideas:
3. I think through observing and researching a discourses genres and forms of communication the smaller or hidden things a article or book cannot tell you. This form of studying and research will teach you the forms of greetings, dismissing, meetings, language, phrase and communicating (phone, text, twitter, notes etc.). This will show you and help you find commonalities they all use and share and develop the meaning behind them. This form of research will disregard the basic information and teach and explain the detailed things, it is like going from learning addition to calculus. The only difference is this is a research choice where you won’t be confused but better yet develop a keen understanding of the discourse community.
Meta Moment: I think that ethnography is a very strong method for learning about a discourse community. This form can teach you so many things that articles couldn’t as well as have you informed on the latest of things as some articles may be out of date. Although this is all true I also think that articles and scholarly research can teach you a lot about a discourse community and show you so much more then ethnography can. I think that articles overall will do much better for you as you can learn all the basics as well as key details. Then you can branch off of this or explore more but I think that ethnography is too reliant on unreliable forms although they can be very helpful they can also be a complete failure to your research.
Opinion on Article: I think that is article was a very insightful read and presented a lot of valid points. I never thought of understanding and knowing a genre as something so specific. I also never thought of a genre in this way before I always thought of it a general area of search for a group or set of common topics but it is in fact more precise than this. Also thanks to this article I have knowledge and examples as to how genres work and the importance of understanding all that is withheld in them specifically the ones in which you are intertwining with or wish to become a part of. This article was hard to interpret but the three examples were very helpful and all three pieces presented valuable information in my knowing and understanding of genres, discourse communities and all that is enticed between the two. I was glad to have gotten the chance to read this as it has helped tremendously with my understanding of these topics: what goes into them? How they affect each other? How to go about understanding, joining and knowing a genre fully? This article was a good read and presented a lot of useful information to the world of language and interaction.

Discourse Communities Proposal

Discourse Communities Proposal
I would like to observe the discourse community of modern warfare players on Xbox Live. I want to explore the world of communication and interaction between players, groups and teams. I would love to learn more about the field as their are tournaments, try outs online and simple social play.. Also because there is so much that goes into playing the game such as icons, clan tags, code words and so forth. Also there are many diffrent players those that play just to talk to their friends, some that play for fun, others that play competitively and even some that solely focus on finding and developing gliches in the game. Another reason is to explore the language and all the terms and ways of speaking they all know as it is a large vocabulary. Through exploring the modern warfare discourse community I hope to learn about their means of communicating and language. I also wish to learn about their interaction and how they chose to perform and why. Lastly i want to understand what it is about this community that makes people spends hours upon hours involved in it. This exploration can be very fulfilling as it is a big aspect in or world and has so many members involved in it.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wardle Response

Identity, Authority, and Learning to Write in a New Workplace by Elizabeth Wardle
Summary:  In the article Identity, Authority, and Learning to Write in New Workplaces, Elizabeth Wardle argues about three models of belonging. The three models she discusses are engagement, imagination, and alignment. Wardle says engagement is the aspect of earning membership or fitting in to a new environment. This is becoming a part of the group and choosing to engage with each other and make and notice changes in association. This is when the group works together to achieve common goals so that they can become more together or intertwined if you will. She explains that if the new member does a poor job of reaching for and achieving the goal it will affect in a poor relationship with the current participants of the group. Wardle also discusses in detail the idea of imagination. Imagination occurs once a new member is accepted and joins a new community. Wardle argues that after the new member is offered a position it becomes their responsibility to take on their role and develop new ideas and goals for the group. If the imagination concept works for the better for the new member and the group as a whole, it will drive the new member forward in the acceptance of other members or older ones. It will also result in more respect and responsibility which in turn means they will be placed or known as a current member of the group. Finally Wardle discusses the idea of alignment. This is the most personal and possibly most important part of the process. Once a new member has been accepted and has shown that they are applicable to the group and a strong contributor the more established members open up. The in turn results in developing relationships with the new members. These relationships are strongly reliant on boundaries and common goals. Wardle offers these ideas early in her piece but then goes into discussion of these through a story about a man named Allan. Allan goes through all of these processes and is a prime example for them all as she creates multiple scenarios with him.
Synthesis: This article is very similar to Cathy Glens article in that they both discuss the use of language and how different communities have different abilities, skills and uses of things such as language. In her article Glenn talks about the factory farms and how they create these false realities and virtual identities for the audience to make something appear as it is not. She talks about how they know what they do and what it is called that they exactly do but they use things like advertising and commercials to manipulate or alter the wording and idea of what they do in the audiences head. This is all about how we have different communities who have different understanding and ideas through which comes from engagement, imagination and alignment. This is similar or in tune with Wardle’s article because Wardle’s article is all about the differences in communities and groups although it is revolved around the workplace it is all about how we must learn to be aware and know the differences in groups. Also that these differences are there and we must conform to them and admire them in order to form with this new group.
Questions for Journaling and Discussion:
1.      Wardle discusses three topics for joining a new community which are engagement, imagination and alignment. An example of engagement would be you and someone else being paired up for a project and you have to work together for a common benefit and result and through doing this you develop together like a little and a big for fraternities. Then there is imagination which like a group picking a nerd to work with for a good grade but the nerd thinks that they picked him for who he is as a person. This can lead to the joining of him in the group but not in the best manner. Lastly she talks about alignment this is like if your community had to join another group in order to movie for the class. The group you choose is one that is all about music videos and your groups all about movies so you find common ground and negotiate and decide to make a musical. I think a newcomer might not attempt a new community for the reasons although they can be good and allow for joining they can often have very bad and discouraging results.
3.I think that the problem with Alan’s community was they gave him a job with too broad of a topic or concept of what he was. Alan felt he had more control and power then he actually did but he was ill informed about this and as a result made himself look foolish. People would laugh at his mistakes in his emails and they would ignore his information sent unless it specifically regarded them right away. I think this is the main problem I think it could have all been resolved and made better if someone clearly told Alan he was doing things wrong and that he was out of his position or place if you will.
5. I agree more with Wardle here just based on how it seemed to me after I read about Alan in this article. Alan was very talented and had good skills bt he didn’t pay attention to anyone but himself. Alan was a jerk to everyone and thought he was much better and at a higher place then them. Alan also was ignorant to his real job and what it all entails. Not only this but Alan fail to be aware of his true job or attempt to make it clear he just did what we wanted and felt was right and made no effort otherwise thus he is practically resisting the change to their discourse.
7. I remember being in the classroom once and my teacher was speaking and a student accidentally spoke out alost overtop of her and she got very upset. She yelled at him and then went into a huge lecture about respect and hwo you shouldn’t talk when someone else is and all that. However, a couple days later our class was giving presentations and my teacher kept interrupting till the breaking point came and we all yelled at her. We told her she was being a hypocrite and that she was also being very disrespectful to us. She lost her authority over us there in that scenario as we lost respect for her and her position and it made the discourse very faulted.
Opinion on Article: I think that this article was an easier read and was simple to be a part of because of the use of Alan throughout the article. I must admit I was very confused after reading the first couple of pages and trying to configure the meaning. Then when Wardle admitted Alan and used him to explain her meanings and the different scenarios they can be relevant in. The article was also insightful for my future in regards to jobs and understanding them and how they all have different means of language, production, communication and we must be aware of this. Also we must choose to apply ourselves in the joining of these groups and be sure to follow their means in order to be accepted and become a current member. This article was a good read and presented a lot of important and valid evidence and meanings for me as a reader.

Monday, October 22, 2012

James Paul Gee Response

Literacy, Discourse, and Linguistics by James Paul Gee
Summary: In his article Literacy, Discourse, and Linguistics James Paul Gee defines Discourse as a combination of saying, writing, doing, being, valuing, etc. Gee argues that Discourse not often mistaken for discourse is a social setting or unit like culture. Gee argues that if you want to become a part of or better yet master a Discourse one must go through a riveting process of apprenticeship where one specifically learns and interacts in the social practices of people who have already mastered that specific Discourse. The first Discourse we learn about is the Primary Discourse: focused on the home and our families. Gee explains that this type of Discourse is acquired through the settlement or joining of something. Secondary Discourses are learned through social institutions such as school or work. There are two types of Secondary Discourses that Gee goes into detail during this articles discussion. The first is Dominant Discourses which are Discourses that allow for the acquirement of status and goods from ones social environment. The second Discourse Gee mentions is Non-Dominant Discourses which do not allow for the attainment of goods and status. However, this discourse does allow for one to become applicable and knowledgeable in this area but it doesn’t allow for change in status. Gee goes forth defining Literacy in his own terms and how Literacy is the mastery and controlling factor for Secondary Discourses.  The article continues with examples and discussion as to why this is so and why it will remain. Then Gee discusses the idea of Liberation through Literacy. He talks about the abnormal features or perks of language and how they give no authorship or purpose to meaning. Gee argues that classrooms must become active apprenticeships for full fluency to occur. That the sooner one begins apprenticeship in a Secondary Discourse the more they will acquire and resemble this community, but he mentions it is important to know that no one can ever join or become part of another Discourse. Gee says that you have your Primary Discourse and so does everyone else and this never changes. Gee also talks about fluency occurring and individuals becoming truly Literate in their Discourse. That when this acquisition happens they will be able to illuminate their own body or self through discussing, relating, arguing, searching and questioning Discourses rather than following ignorantly.
Synthesis: This article is very similar to John Swales article which is also about Discourse communities. Swales talks about how you can be considered a part of a Discourse community and all the components that go into it. Swales argues there are six main components which include shared values, beliefs, morals, expectations and more. These and Swales article are in line with some of the points made here by Gee. Gee talks about the truth behind a Discourse and how and what it takes to really be considered a part not a apprentice or sub-sider but truly a part. Gee and Swales both talk about in their articles how you have a Primary Discourse and this is where you develop learn and share common beliefs and values and so forth. That when you find a community or group of people with the same or common thoughts and ideas this is where you begin to become centric or notice yourself confining. They talk about how this confinement isn’t restriction it’s just the adjustment or growth of oneself in a community or search to find ones Discourse. They also discuss the importance of language and specific qualities or symbols to these Discourses. How every Discourse has specific things such as vocabulary to their own community one that isn’t able to be taught but must be acquired or learned through interaction.
Questions for Journaling and Discussion:
3. Gee describes lowercase d’s as stretches or points of language that make sense to a certain discourse. Gee sees D’s as ways in which we are formed and a part of the world. These are the ways we integrate through life by our own and shared values, acts, words, language, beliefs, attitudes etc. I think that this makes sense because he talks about how the lowercase d’s are a part of the D’s. Gee explains how they are just one little piece to the overall concept of Discourses and everything that makes them up. This is also applicable because Discourse or communities and cultures are made up of all these different ideas and concepts.
5. Gee says that Discourse are connected with displays of an identity and I believe this is to be true. Gee is saying that in order to really be considered or have a true position in a Discourse you must also have an identity in it. Gee uses the example of foreign language in his article which helps make a lot of sense out of what he says. Gee argues that even if you know a foreign language you don’t know commonalities, words, phrases and symbols that are specific to this Discourse. This means that you can’t learn this through teachings but instead through actually interacting and having an identity in the Discourse.
11. This is the ability to know and understand one’s own language and Discourse/Discourses and being able to relate and apply them to Discourse you are attempting to acquire. This is highly important because it allows you to manipulate, analyze and resist while advancing. The ability to have metaknowledge lets you use what you know about your own Discourse and apply it to others in order to help you know, learn and effect the ideas and concepts of another Discourse.
13.  A discourse I would like to be a part of is probably the music Discourse. I think that the hardest part of being in this Discourse is finding your actual position or place to be. There are so many different parts and elements that factor into music and the production of it. The ability to know and have a certain field in music in which you belong is important because it is where you first off belong and second off will do your best work. I think what aids you the most in being a part is yourself. Music is all around us in so many forms: actual sound, advertising, clothing and the list goes on. The big part of it all is you have to be able to have and master the drive for knowledge and furthered learning. I do feel like a pretender at times because I have always wanted to be a part of this community or Discourse and have a huge passion for it but I have never fully applied myself in any field regarding it besides really just listening and examining lyrics and artist. Also because for instance I don’t have the best singing voice and I can’t play any instruments. Another point is I don’t have any recording or editing equipment so I can’t even be a part of the production of music once so ever for now at least.
Applying and Exploring:
3. Dear Miss George,
            Discourses are very important to know and understand especially in one’s growth and development throughout life. First off I want to make sure you know what exactly Discourses are so I’ll explain a little. Discourses are like cultures or groups that have shared practices, ideas, values and beliefs. They are groups in which you develop and join based on these but are also ones in which you learn and retain certain information, meanings and ideas from. They are specific to you and can’t be joined later in life, they are groups one must be applied to or interact with from a young age. There is also a difference between dominant and non-dominant Discourse as well. Dominant Discourses are ones involved in or are the process of filtering languages and other principles of a Secondary Discourse into that of a Primary Discourse. A non-dominant does not do this this is where the Secondary Discourse information or principle remain and retain in the certain area or field. I ask that in order to help students from non-dominant Discourses you begin to show them the filtering process and give them insight on the Discourse. In order for these students to learn and become applicable they need knowledge and guidance in this understanding. Please give them the shared principle and the registered language of such a Discourse and try to teach them to become and know these ideas and meanings.
Thank you,
4. I belong ot many Discourse one of which is a religious and the other is more of an attainment or area of interest. The religious Discourse is one in which has specific rules and regulations that you don’t have to follow but your suppose to in order to live and be righteous. These are values and beliefs that are shared through God, Jesus and The Holy Bible. Then there is my other Discourse which is music and more specifically rap. In this Discourse a lot is based off of hard times, drugs, parties, girls, money, clothes and so forth. These two Discourse conflict In many morals, values and beliefs which causes issues for me. In this sense I have to make some exceptions or dicesions of my own which I do. I am a member of both communities and will remain this way but I act in a sense that I have learned but also feel is correct. I still do and participate in activities and so on that may not be considered right or ok by the Bible but they are by the rap Discourse. I think that it comes down to finding yourself through these Discourses and knowing where you stand as to their regards. Also that you must see what values, morals and ideas you choose to uphold and which you choose to disobey or break based on their meaning or purpose revolving you.
Opinion on Article: I thought that this article was interesting to read. This article went even further in depth in the discussion of Discourses and all that is involved in them. This article added on to Swales article in so many ways as well as presenting its own points of emphasis. This article allowed for a new perspective on Discourse in many areas like: what are they? How do you join or become a part of one? What all goes in to one? Also it helped me engage further in my own understanding and relevance to Discourse regarding me and my friends. Although the article was a little confusing I found it very interesting and useful to read in regards to our class and furthering ones knowledge of Discourse, communities, cultures and units like these that are going on all around us.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Concept of Discourse Communities by John Swales

Summary: Inside his article The Concept of Discourse Communities John Swales explains the concept of a discourse community. In explaining or producing his definition of a discourse community he offers six characteristics specific to knowing and accepting a discourse community. Swale describes them as follows: A discourse community has a set or wide range of agreed rules whether they are formal or informal. That discourse communities set goals to acknowledge and achieve certain values, morals, expectations, beliefs. Also that within a discourse community there are mechanisms and in a sense a language or vocabulary specific to them. That discourse communities have means of communication with each other and the means are things such as the internet or group meetings. Another notion is that these communities almost entirely use these communications to give each other feedback and information/knowledge. Along with this as I said before this is often through means of communication or even mediums like newspapers, magazines, books etc. Also that these communities have a set genre or field of knowledge and study they all are considered wise or professional in. Although this is all true Swales says that discourse communities are constantly changing as well as the ideas, principles and goals of them are. That also the individuals themselves are changing and adapting. Swale says in addition to having these genres, a discourse community has their own specific lexis. Discourse communities have their own vocabulary (grammar, word choice, phrases etc.). Finally Swales argues that discourse communities are constantly experiencing shifts of members as people die, leave, or grow older and grow wiser. That there is never going to be a set of rules or notions for being in or directly being a discourse community as it is always changing with in regression or progression.
Synthesis: This article by Swales is just like that of McCloud when discussing the concepts of analysis and observation. These articles both agree that in these notions the more advanced and obscure the more we remove ourselves and see it for just that or an image of relevance. Although relevant they say it is directing attention away from yourself and more on the idea or concept which in Swales case is a discourse community. Swales talks about how they have distinct words and phrases or mechanisms to their community alone which is similar to Cathy Glenn’s article about farmer factories and their use of commodities and virtual reality. In this article part of her discussion is about the use of different words and tones to deliver a message in a double speak matter. This is just like how Swales talks about certain words, terms and common knowledge are specific to a discourse communities understanding but have no such purpose to others.
Opinion on Article: I think that this was a very dry reading and the terms and ways he talked about his information was kind of confusing. I also don’t like how he wrote it only for those with certain word or phrase knowledge it made the reading harder and elongated also it was so hypocritical. Swales spent valuable pages arguing against these communities or the things involved with them but then goes and writes in a sense only understandable for some. I think that this article could have gotten the message across a lot better and more efficient but it is what it is. I learned the information relatively well and think I learned a few things about the develop and pieces of a discourse community.

Constructing Consumables and Consent: A Critical Analysis of Factory Farm Industry Discourse by Cathy B. Glenn

Summary: In this article Constructing Consumables and Consent: A Critical Analysis of Factory Farm Industry Discourse by Cathy Glenn the paper starts out with a brief outlook on animals and how they play a role in our lives and what exactly that role is. Next Glenn opens up with an introduction to what she will discuss and what she is arguing for. Glenn argues that in times now even more than past animals and nature are being seen as a commodity or virtual reality. Also that it is important to know the historical lineage that has led to thins such as advertisements of animals on TV’s and products. She talks about how discursive communities and ideas have helped from these false ideas or principles. Also that we have this idea of double speak and its misleading use by the farm industry to change or alter the image of animals to the viewers. This meaning it is altering or changing your words and phrases in such a way to make it sound like something other than what it actually is. She argues that animals are treated as resources and products and through the support of the industries and government it is kept this way. That the audience is taught to see them this way: for example calling the slaughtering of cows “animal agriculture” instead of “cow flesh industry”. Glenn also then goes into discussing the abuse of animals and the inhumane things we do to them that we define as humane through the changing of the image by ideal sand word choice such as “euthanasia” instead of “brutal torture”. Glenn argues that the farm industry uses this discourse to hide the foul treatment and torture because it saves them times, space and money. That in the end to the farmers and the buyers of the products: animals are just another wholesale product on the market. Then after discussing animals as a commodity she begins to go into animals as virtual reality. She argues that in this process of virtual reality the discourse acts in two ways the first is to sell the product and then the next is to make the nonhuman abused seem to disappear and be replaced with an image greater or pleasant. For example she discusses “happy Cows” and how this is misleading for the buyers: this portrays happy, intelligent, health and funny cows with family values. PETA is quoted in this article for its lawsuit against this campaign claiming it portrays the opposite of what it is actually like for cows living wise, health wise, happiness wise and so forth. She argues this is all in attempt to blur the line between reality and imagination or the line between human and other animals while reinforcing an approved human action (eating the animal). She overall in essence argues that we as human are simply attempting to take away their ability to hypothetically speak while and in order for us to speak for them through these virtual reality images and commercials and so forth. Finally she argues we must critically think and observe these things and whether they are around us and going on. That we must analyze and support those that are striving away from these discourses.
Synthesis: This article was very similar to the other reading we were assigned by John Swales. They both use the conceptual term and idea of discourse and a discourse community. In this article by Glenn the main focus is on this discourse community of farmers and those that need the food production. They have these terms and phrases they use and know what they mean but to others they see it for realistically what it would mean. I mean in saying this that the word collect to them may mean grab the next set of cows to kill but to others it just means get some cows together. This is right on the line with Swales who spends a lot of time discussing the importance of discourse communities having their own language and vocabulary.

1.I looked at the image of the organic cow milk. These are the little ones you can take on the go and poke with a straw. The animal image on this product is animated and I don’t know if it really affects my feeling towards the product because it is all I have really seen. Although this is true I would admit it makes it appear like it’s a lot of fun and taste amazing.
2.I don’t believe I have any connection to farm animals except for the fact that I am eating them and their products produced form them all the time. I Another thought I might mention is through friends, teachers and experiences I do believe I know some things about their culture most might not.

Questions for Discussion and Journaling:
1.      In her article Glenn discusses the discourse of factory farms and their use of advertisements, word choice and images. She talks about these main characteristics which are the commodity and virtual reality. She discusses and argues how the factory farm industry uses these to make their work approved and ethical. Also because it eliminates the consumers from recognizing the reality for the animals. They use these characteristics to sanitize their work and the process of it in multiple ways. For instance Glenn mentions how they change and alter words into a context that is broad and easily approved by the audience. They also use animations and commercials to make an image of the animals and the process look the way the want it to. Glenn argues how they will do things to make it look like a fun and safe process that’s enjoyed by all including the animals. I think that this is unethical because it hides the audience from the truth of the process and the harm being done to the animals. This may be so but the problem is that it is the audiences fault for not knowing the knowledge or not looking because the changing of words and animated cows on a milk container isn’t anywhere near unethical or illegal. The idea behind may be unethical but cannot be proven or ruled as such just based on the picture so I don’t think it really matters.

Applying and Exploring Ideas:
2.      Pick a company that sells “meat.” Do a little research on Google or some other search engine. Is it a factory farm? How can you tell? Was it easy to find out? Did they pretend to be a family farm? I decided to look at franks hotdogs and I could tell right away it was a factory farm. The company had a well-made website full of information. The site had its information well compiled and organized as well. The site had all this stuff about their family methods and how the “product” is treated with care and is of only the highest quality. I don’t think it was easy to find this out by their information but just by common sense as well as the information I just learned about the farmer’s factory vocabulary. I could tell by the way they talked about things in mentioning the product, items, process, collaboration and words like that. Also just by knowing that Franks is a big brand and in order to produce as much as it does it need these industrialized farms if you will. They didn’t necessarily pretend to be a family farm as they clearly made it known they had a lot of farms and production but they claimed to have family values and produce as though they are one.

4.I think that this was most relevant when we had African Americans as slaves. This is as close as it gets to me because they are just as human as everyone else and they were treated like a product being sold, destroyed (killed) and used to produce.

Opinion on Article: I think that this article is well written and makes some very serious arguments against farmer factories and the discourse of their community. This article makes strong point about their methods in distributing information through advertisements and images. Also it helped me with how I look at these products as well as analyze sources in general. The read was alright just not to fun or interesting but overall I learned some good information and will use this in the future.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Project 2 my part first draft

·        Summarize and synthesize the conversation related to your question (approximately equivalent to 600–900 words)
The development of our understanding and knowledge of family and literacy sponsorship began with simply a question. How family affected your literacy sponsorship and in what ways? The word family is small at first glance only containing 6 words and 2 syllables. However, take a second look at the word not from its exterior but from its interior. The interior shows you the millions of meanings and stories that come from the word which is probably enough to fill to the Holy Bible. This word sprung out to my group and me when discussing and evaluating literacy sponsorship because family was the one big thing that all my group members and myself had in common. The synthesis began right after the word was mentioned and ideas just flowed. Family was an easy choice for many reasons like the science behind every member of a family being related and identical genetically. Also in relation to genetics how having or being part of family is unavoidable. You have a family and develop based on the relationship with it whether you like it or not. The most important reason for choosing family was because it enables your literacy sponsorship culturally.
Culture is…who we are and what we stand for. Culture is your values in life or what is most important to you and why? Culture is your morals or how you see right and wrong. Culture is your politics or views regarding government. Culture is your patriotism or feeling towards your country. Culture is your education and learning experience. Culture is your traditions (holidays, religion, celebrations, rules of living etc.) or way of life. Culture is your hobbies and interest (television, books, games, sports etc.). This is all due to the literacy sponsorship of family and how it enables us. Family enables us through all these elements because it is how we develop and grow into life. These elements are what makes and family and when you are part of one or join one it is because you have the same ideas in common. This sponsorship creates and forms the way we go about life and everyday aspects. Family teaches us these ideas and opinions through their actions as well as their direct teachings. They are the ones that teach you how to play soccer or football. They are the ones that teach you the rules of the game, the rules of sportsmanship or their view of it. They show you how they see things and what it matters to them and this directly influence your opinion and thought process from a young age. Thus you find and hold on to these commonalities between the two of you and use it in your growth and knowledge. Speaking of growth and knowledge this is one of the biggest impacts the sponsorship of family has on you because you are born with no knowledge but your automatic body functions. Family members usually parents are the ones you help you learn everyday things we take for granted. They develop you physically with how often they feed you or with what? They are the reason you can walk and they are the reason you can talk. Family teaches you not simply how to talk but how to communicate; you learn verbally and non-verbally through observation and instruction. Observation is key when you are younger as you see and notice the meaning behind non-verbal communication. This allows you to begin to develop your relationship because you learn how to interact or communicate wants and needs. Also as you grow you no longer rely solely on observation but you begin to learn through instruction as well. Through instruction you are taught ways of living as well as concepts of living. This means you are taught important things to everyday life such as walk and talking. Also you are taught concepts of life which is many of your cultural thoughts like your morals, values, interest and the list goes on. Families have an invested interested of time, money and love all for you and your growth. They are the first sponsorship that enables you to think and feel about everything that goes into life. The sponsorship of family has a direct correlation with who you are in every aspect of life. Life is filled with thoughts, opinions, ideas, views you name it. Family is the reason we are a participant in this entire conversation of life. They are the influence that allows us to develop a voice and be more than just an object. Family enables us to grow and expand into ourselves. We form ourselves through our family and the impact they have on us. The sponsorship we receive is the most influential and impactful for our expansion in evolution in life. We learn and integrate ourselves through family and its sponsorship of understanding and participating on all levels as we cultivate in life.

·        Briefly synthesize and explain the results of your data (the key here is to point out what patterns or themes you found and present selections that show those patterns; presenting your entire literacy narratives should be reserved for a supplemental section at the end of the project). (About 600–900 words equivalently)
Through our research and data collection we have developed a strong understanding of family and its literacy sponsorship on you. There were many methods to successfully understanding family and the impact it has on you. We used a survey system to see how impactful your family was on who you are. This survey asked students to rate the sponsorship received in your cultural development and growth through every aspect we saw as important and common to everyday life. We found many students were impacted highly by their family in their cultural development. Students were showing almost exact patterns in the in the growth and development of physical functioning and communication. Almost all the students admitted to learning to walk, swim, grab/hold, listen, talk, read and write due to their families. Also on the survey we found little students marking other; meaning that they learned these from some other source. The survey also showed that almost all students learned how to communicate verbally and non-verbally through their families’ sponsorship. Students showed that they learned the means of communication through observation and interaction with their family. Family was and is the reason they can talk, listen, write and understand communication in all forms. These results showed us that families are the most impactful sponsorship in our physical growth and development as well as our ability to communicate verbally and non-verbally. They are the main reason to why and how we do these activities and functions. Also through our research we found that families and especially parents are extremely important to the development of us as people from the day we are born. They affect us with how they interact and communicate to each other. The research showed when we are young we rely heavily on our interaction with and our observations of our family. The observations or ways of functioning and communicating that we see and learn become the norm to us. When we are young this is all we know and see so it becomes who we are. For instance the ways and which our family gets what they want or expresses themselves teaches us that’s how were supposed to do it. This influences us to interact and perform in the same manner as our family does. Also along with this is how we interact with our family is important. The research showed that when you are neglected and/or treated badly you develop qualities in relation like shyness, anger, depression, controlling, anxiety and much more. Families that don’t give a child what they need and don’t participate with the adolescent falter the growth of a child and its ability to interact and communicate with others correctly. The research showed that children that were treated correctly and given attention were better able to grow and develop properly. Not only this but they actually learned and did all this much faster than those children that were given the opposite. Also research showed us that we are sponsored by family in all aspects of life due to genetics. Parent’s genetics combine and synchronize to form and mold the exact person you are. These genetics are all due to your family coming from the first generation all the way to your parents and now to you. Genetics are the reason you look the way you do, the reason you’re really tall or really short. These genetics are important because the sponsor you physically with looks, abilities and health. Also because it impacts you in how you act and think. Research shows that you derive qualities from your parents and these qualities stick with your personality. You can’t prevent this or your physical appearance, health and/or abilities. The way in which you look is due to the combination and interaction between your mother and fathers genes. The dominant and recessive genes impact each other and development your genes. These genes that you then in turn receive are what decides how you look, how athletic you are or whether you will get heart disease or not. Although this is true there are also other things like smoking for instance that can affect these results. This is of little importance compared to the sponsorship one receives from their family in their development in life. Through our research and survey of the student body we have learned that family is the major literacy sponsorship in your cultural development and growth. They are how we grow in physical function and communication. They are the reason we act and think the way we do. They are the influence genetically and interactively that makes us into the cultural force that we. This research has back up our hypothesis on family and its impact on us in our literacy sponsorship. Family is the literacy sponsor that is most important in our growth and development culturally in our everyday lives.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Group Question and set up of Literacy

Topic: Major influences of family in our literacy sponsorship

Question: How family affects the different aspects of life: in our developement of social,cultural, traditional, religous, and educational forces that shape the outcome of who we are as people/students.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Narrative Literacy

Narrative Literacy
I have grown up in the realm of sports very fast throughout my life. I began playing everything I possibly could with the kids in the neighborhood. When I was old enough I began playing in leagues for an actual team. In this earl years I played soccer, baseball and basketball. There was one sport that was missing and that was football, I didn’t play football till the third grade meaning I missed out on two years of it. I am not sure why I choose soccer over football when I was little I think it was because that’s what everyone played and I felt comfortable in that setting. Eventually I summed up the courage to play football because I couldn’t take it any longer; I had to play the sport I loved. I love football with a passion ever sense my dad and the television first introduced me to the sport. I can remember just sitting on the couch with my dad asking a million questions every second trying to understand the whole idea of football. This was probably around kindergarten for me and I caught on fast and fell in love with the game. I played it a recess, when I got home, after homework and after dinner till it got dark. This sport has always meant so much to and is so exhilarating to watch but even more so play. I really began to become literate in this sport around seventh grade, I know that sounds far from third grade where I say I knew the game and how to play but I didn’t lie I did know the game. The thing is if you’re a fan of football or have ever played you begin to understand how complex it really is. There are unlimited numbers of different offensive and defensive sets used in every which way. The crazy thing is they aren’t just there to change things up they all have a reason and specific purpose and this also goes for plays. There is also the development of stances, form tackling, technique at your position, working on reaction time, strength, flexibility, awareness, desire, hard-work, fight, football I.Q. and the list goes on. Seventh grade was the year I started to really notice and become aware of all these things as football became more important and harder it wasn’t just a little game you can just go out and play. The coaches , my dad and television are all in thanks to my development as I progressed and went week by week I would learn more and more from my coaches. My dad would help me work on these techniques, plays mindsets and so forth. Then there is the television which parents see as pointless and bad for the brain but this was my biggest study guide and cheat sheet for football I ever received. Every Sunday and Saturday I would lay on the couch and watch football from game 1 at one to the night game at eight. I would set and observe and learn so much about playing from the little things to just how to present yourself and act in the presents of the game. I remember sitting there so happy and thrilled to just watch the sport and whenever halftime came It was straight to the front yard where I would play quick games for the twenty minute break and then back in doors. These little things grew more and more important to me as I grew and when I reached seventh grade i really started putting everything together and understanding the meaning of every little thing in the game from when to run and screen to why to run the ball when its third and twenty.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Allen Response

The Inspired Writer vs. The Real Writer and Text/Constructs: How do readers read and writers write?
1.       Summary:
This article is by Sarah Allen and she attempts to argue that nobody is a perfect writer. She talks on how everybody has to struggle with writing and what to talk about or how to explain something. That even her, a writing teacher gets a writer block or often finds herself not wanting to write a paper or report. Sarah feels that everyone struggles with writing an everyone can be pained by it as well but that’s not what matters. The concept is that you have to keep going and searching for ways to develop and improve your piece. That nobody is gifted at writing a paper real quick and mastering it all in one draft. That you have to take time develop a structure and that you have to keep communicating. That’s the goal that’s the idea, you must keep practicing and using writing or communication in whatever you do to develop and to grow. She talks and argues how everyone is scared of their piece or that it will fail but you have to know and understand everyone is like that and that’s why you must work at it constantly. Then the second article is more of an opening description of what is to be done and covered in the next chapter. This covers projected things to happen as well as it covers the concept of construct. It explains and gives examples of what these are and which ones will be brought up later in the chapter.  
“Decisions and Revisions” and “Response of a laboratory Rat-or, Being Protocoled”
2.       Summary:
In this first article by Carol Berkenkotter we find the author talking about an experiment that she and Mr. Murray decided to perform under naturalist terms. This experiment is being used to conduct and observe how a writer such as Mr.Murray goes about writing and performing certain writing task. The article argues that he has a distinct process he uses in order to get papers done but also depending on what he is writing about or for he will change his area of focus. She also sees and discovers that Mr.Murray at points uses a process called reconceiving where he uses other author’s opinions and ideas on his own material in order to improve it and eliminate all error. Another is how he talks about writers and when they use internal revision which is doing so by self and when external revision occurs because of and for the audience. Then she precedes to mention planning and incubation and how they are important a work together revising a paper. First in planning what needs changed for fixed to format with the others then using incubation to come to and revise astoundingly there writing piece. Then she argues how Murray used introspective revision to fix and revise his piece and title. That this is the process of using breaks in order to think deep and get a chance to escape form compressing your piece. The piece also spoke on or went in depth of the process of his revision at all levels from planning to drafting. In Mr. Murray’s response he talks about all the things that this research project has shown him about himself and about writers. He argues writing is a intellectual process and that it is not separate from thinking just because you don’t sit there and do it out loud. He and the researcher agree that introspective research was great for allowing new ideas to generate as well as how import and affective conditions can be on research. He also argues for is fear that writers us other writers or common processes to much and often fall into a rhythm and lose the ability to branch off and explore further in research and rhetorical heuristic writing.
3.       Synthesis:
I think this article and Sarah Allen’s article are very similar they both argue for the concept that writers make mistakes and need help. Also that they can’t always do it by themselves or perfect on the first time they argue for revision and for the help and opinions of others whom they respect and trust. Another idea they both speak on is ho no author is perfect that everyone has to revise and edit that you can’t ever discover or use a perfect formula to write. Writing is a form of communication and is ever changing Sarah Allen would argue as in this piece they talk about how Mr. Murray found himself stuck and in trouble using the same process over time and caught up with him in one of his writing assignments to complete. They both mention how space away and to think can often help bring up and discover someone’s best work, but overall they both argue for the continuous revision and in depth methods of so in order to get better and create a better paper.
1.       Questions and Analyzing:
I think the way Murray went about his revisions and writing in general was very effective and professional compared to mine. Murray spent a lot of time brainstorming and review recently written work. Also he was always using his peers to branch off new ideas and concepts or to fix errors or faults in his writings. I often only found myself review the whole draft once and allowing a single peer review before I would turn my work in. I do many things differently to such that I don’t use breaks in or to develop new and better ideas or I don’t tend to think to myself or out loud to work up an idea.
2.       Berkenkotter used this research and discovered that there is no single method of revision and planning. Berkenkotter argues that you can never narrow it down or categorize it to a single system and so forth. The author argues that planning and revising is a long process of creating and eliminating new ideas and concepts as well as the constant editing of sentences and structure. That in using different methods and different peers you can learn to write in many different methods and create a more diverse and original piece instead of repeating your past methods.
1.       Applying and Exploring:
I think that when I write I spend almost all my time on brainstorming an idea and concept I think will work best for my piece. I then go about writing and making my paper and after I continue to revise the things I’m saying and how I choose to say them. I have never been beginning on editing my work for simple structure and grammatical mistakes but I have never been good at grammar or noticing it either way. This has definitely been a big flaw of mine and I think it effects how much time I spend on certain parts of the paper all the time. I always find myself revising sentences to sound a specific way or fixing them to make a powerful statement or quote. I look to revision and brainstorming to do all my best work because I lack the effort and ability to edit and rewrite my work. I think that we subconsciously go about our writing like this because we find areas where we do our best or where we are most comfortable and we stick to them. Writers tend to follow their best ways but eventually get stuck there or use other writers to advance their paper instead of brainstorming and working new ideas and processes yourself.
1.       Meta Moment:
I think that after this reading I will go about my writing differently and I will try and use introspection in order to branch off my work and make better papers or concepts overall for my paper. The use of this and peer revision I think will really help me in writing a better paper because I always rely on myself and my original idea instead of challenging for more or something new and different.
1.       Article Evaluation:
I think that all of these article can be of use because of all the information and enlightenment provided on revisitng and revising your papers. All these articles really harp on using your writing ability to generate and create ideas, concepts or just overall papers from new and different methods. That also you shouldn’t limit yourself to a single process or step by step method for competition that changing it up often leads to new and original work that diversifies the world of writing. Also the articles have motivated me and helped me understand that I am not alone in struggling with writing a paper and then after doing so struggling to edit and revise it to a completed form. This is because of my lack of attention to all important areas of the process and the fact that over time I began to rely to much on the things that I could do best. I now will use my peers to edit my work further grammatically and structurally as well as the further my concepts and develop different opinions on the work and how it is presented. I don’t think any of these articles were interesting to read or super enlightening but I got a lot of information and tips I think will help improve and develop my writing into much more effective work. These articles were dry and lacked fun and drawing examples like those of some of our past reading assignments but these were just as relevant and important in the process.

McCloud Response

McCloud Reading Assignment
1.       Before you read:
    My favorite cartoon when I was younger was Ed, Edd and Eddy. I really enjoyed this show because it was about these three best friends who did everything together and where always brainstorming ideas on how to make money or get back at other neighborhood kids. The show was really funny because they all had their own flaws like Ed was tall, goofy, and stupid and always did the dumbest things. Then there was Eddy who was always about making money and was extremely greedy and this greed always seemed to get them in loads of trouble. I think I connect to these characters and the show because me and my neighborhood friends were always running around in the summer making lemonade stands and selling toys, pretty much did whatever we could to make some money and buy candy or the next best action figure. Also we were always being risky little kids and getting in trouble with our parents or with the older kids for messing around with them. I think I really connected to this even though we were completely different or the things they did were extremes it all just reminded me of my life and my friends and all the crazy stuff we did and went through together.
2.       Summary:
In Scott McClouds article “Vocabulary of Comic” Scott speaks a lot on the idea of icons and representation. Scott is trying to convey to his audience which is students and professors both the concept of icons and how they play a big role in our brain. We all process icons and their meanings subconsciously and never truly think about their effect or role they play. He talks about the different types of icons like symbols which represent ideas, beliefs and different concepts. Also there is icons that represent the language of science and communication these are practical or real icons such as letters, words, numbers and so on. Lastly there is the icons that are known as pictures and images which show and represent their specific subject. He argues that we have all these icons but we often separate or linger from the real realm and go towards more simplistic images because it allows us to relate or see ourselves. Scott is saying that we are a selfish breed us humans, which we choose to see ourselves in all icons or to create and find a self-image. He talks about how everything we create or watch we somehow find a way to see ourselves in it. That the more we go towards simplicity and away from realistic representation the more we use this to see ourselves and relate to the image or icon. He believes that as children watching cartoons and using drawings are not just observing they are becoming; as children we use these things for self-identification and awareness and it carries on with us as we grow.
3.       Synthesis:
In this comic or short article McCloud talks about the use of comics and cartoons for children to self-identify. That when we are young we see these simple “icons” and use them to see and find ourselves which in turn takes effect in our lives as we progressively grow older. This relates to Kantz in a very weird way I think that both authors are very open-minded and seem to believe in the effect of things around us whether it’s TV or a magazine. The authors talk about two completely different subjects but the same idea for instance Kantz argues that we are often influenced by what we read and what the book or article tells us. She says that students always read this and take it for what it is instead of questioning or examining the claims of fact and fiction. McCloud is similar to this concept because he argues that we are influenced by these cartoons when were young that these icons have an effect on what we feel or believe. He talks about how we relate to these simple forms such as cartoons because it allows us to have identification and relation to the character which affects our concepts and beliefs as we grow.
1.      Discussion and Journaling:
I think that adults still like the concept of simple cartoons because it’s exactly like what we watched when we were younger. People grow older but these little things or icons that allowed us to relate and identify as a kid subconsciously helped and affected our lives so when we watch cartoons now we subconsciously search for that same chance and feeling of identification. I don’t think there ever is an age at which it’s inappropriate to watch or read comics. There is nothing wrong with them it’s just another form of art and entertainment adults often stop watching it claiming it is for children but there are many adult comic books and adult cartoons such as Family Guy, Furturama, South Park and the list goes on. These cartoons are created for adults to relate to and it’s often a simple and effective way to entertain people while still seeking a purpose whether it is just laughter or political views. I think that McCloud would be very upset with the idea of being too old to watch cartoons or read comics because he himself knows and argues for the idea that they are something we use to fill in the gap. They are there for us to discover or relate to who we are and what we choose to identify with or as.
2.      Discussion and Journaling:
The idea to use a comic book style to argue his point was very clever and effective. I think it really helped drive his point across because as you read on you thought exactly what he said next and it was almost as though he was reading your mind. Also that when he showed examples he would tell you how you saw it or what they meant to you and he was right, it’s pretty wild how he was able to relate to my thoughts and concepts as I read. Also this was very useful because it was a very good article written but also visually. The visuals and just the overall comic book theme drove his points across and allowed the audience to see and understand what he was saying much better. If Scott choose to write it just like an average article I think it would lose all of its effectiveness because many of his examples were visual such as simplify a character to a smiley face. If he just wrote it out there would be no way for the audience to see what he was saying and arguing.
1.      Applying and Exploring:
I think that visual imagery is a very effective way of teaching. This allows students to get more involved and help develop and see the idea or concept discussed a lot better. Teaching with visuals can be a great strategy for many classes and lessons. The use of visuals would be great for explaining and helping students perform math problems. Math students often suffer relating or getting the concept of a word problem when it is just written out but when given a visual example the students have something to relate and identify with so they no longer struggle to think of the concept.
2.      Applying and Exploring:
McCloud argues this because the more real or vivid an image becomes the more we see it for what it is. The difference is when you start to simplify and idea, image or icon you start to relate and see yourself as the character compared to when you see a real image you tend to just see the character for what they are and you just understand. McCloud believes that when the icon becomes simpler you not only understand but you relate and identify. I have related to many real images but it’s only through relation I never feel a connection or self-identification with the image. I have seen many cartoons and have related myself to characters or episodes but when the cartoon becomes simpler I am able to see myself as that person.
4.       Thoughts on the reading:
I thought this was a very fun and interesting article to read. This was a lot more drawing and interesting to me because it had many visuals and allowed me to really see and fully understand his argument and the concepts he was talking about. Also it was a lot shorter and directly to the point compared to the past articles which seemed very long and drawn out. This article is helpful because it allowed me to realize the effectives of comics and cartoons. This article showed me how icons affect us or appear to us subconsciously without even knowing its happening. I was glad we read this I learned a lot and it was actually just a fun article in the way it was presented and the subject he choose to argue about.