Memoria Is a Friend of Ours: On the Discourses of Color by Victor Villanueva
Summary: In his article Memoria Is a Friend of Ours: On the Discourses of Color, Victor Villanueva intertwines poetry, narratives, and memory to alter traditional conventions memory does not belong. Victor argues that these conventions are too logocentric (reach the Aristotelian ideal of being completely logocentric). Victor also argues that the personal doesn’t have to ruin or falter the works of academia. Victor argues that they can actually complement the intelligence. Victor also argues for us to know and comprehend the memories that infatuate color. Also he argues for us to know the processes discovered and openings found. He talks about how memory or “Memoria” use to be one of the biggest and most essential rhetorics. Villanueva attempts to alter the role in which memory plays when dealing with narratives. He argues for people of color, as well as all of us should know and be aware of our own memory narratives and others around us. Also that we should bring this to the classroom to expand and broaden our understanding.
Synthesis: I think that this article is relatable to the article by Peter Elbow title Voice in Writing. This article is all about the different types of voices we all have and how it can be used in an effective way. This is in relation to this article by Victor Villanueva because his is about people of different color and the different experiences and history they have. Victor talks about how this has a role and what they role does to people and their experiences. This is like the effects that different voices you use can have on people. They are both about how these different elements of who you are essentially can effect and change the people and things around you. Also how it can alter how things are perceived or seen by others.
Questions for Journaling and Discussing:
3. I think that this makes the piece more relatable and it also think that it helps the article be more effective because the audience members can see and get an example of the discussion that Victor is trying to bring up to you. This makes the paper start off relevant to the audience and helps them get a solid kick start to the paper.
4. I don’t think that these poems and passages contribute much to Victors point. They only seemed to confuse me more because it was hard for me to interpret all of them but some I think I understood them or at least their main points. In this article some of the narratives would better explain the topic or victor would use these as an example of the forms that people would have to go through. These were mainly hard to understand but the one’s I could understand helped with my understanding of the color memories and how they affect or play a role and should play a role in our lives.
8. I think that students without color can learn a new perspective or way of looking at students of color and their way of life. This allows students to experience and understand something that they may not be useful. Also they can learn better ways to interact and perform around or with people of color. These students get a chance to grow and maybe look at their past memories or generations that could have a piece of life that they have.
Applying and Exploring:
2. I think that intertextuality can have a role and be effective in the ways in which memoria is present and/or affects us and our role in the realm of color. This concept of intertexuality is important because memoria can be written and transcribe unto items and it is important that we notice this and be well aware. Also we should know that these pieces can affect us and who we are by the message or information it reveals to us. I have not myself experienced any traces of memoria involving color that have affected me. I am Irish and English/European. However, this being the case I think that I have changed the way in which I view my past memorias and generations because of others memoria. The other peoples memoria has left an effect on me and how I choose to think and understand others and there interaction.
Opinion on Article: I think that this article was very confusing as I couldn’t really even make out the point of the whole essay. I also think that it was pointless to have some of the poetry elements that he did as they didn’t seem very relevant to me and they also just left me more confused as I would sit and try to think about the meaning behind it. Also I think that the main purpose was good but the examples and overall article was written and a very ineffective way. I think I learn a little bit about gaining a new perspective and a new way of imaging or using memory to image but it think that the article was a drawn out and confusing way of getting the message across.
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